Alibam Polantics

I was watching the electro-magnetic image receiver earlier this afternoon and observed a new set of television prevarication from one of our Senate candidates, Dur-ain’t.

He did the usual Alibam candidate of lambasting “professional Politicians.” I was reminded that a professional politician is any candidate who wants to serve more than one term.

Want to wager what Mr. Dur-ain’t’s desires are?

Also in keeping with most Alibam political candidates he is not only patently a narcissist but probably also a Fascist.

The New Racism

Amerika has become the land of animosity. Basically, everyone hates everyone else. Why?

This morning, I ran across an article about why the hatred. [Link] Which was so incoherent that I had to read it three times to conclude that it was a Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn paining activity.

In the middle of that mind swamp, I realized: Political affiliation is the NEW (???) Racism. 

To paraphrase the Kingston Trio, Italians hate Yugoslavs and Republicans hate Democrats. And Visa Versa. 

I suspect this comes of both becoming irrelevant. Several months ago I read that the Yankee Republic had reached the point where the two political parties together covered less than half of the population. 

So all that has-beens have left to do is hate each other? 

It seems that what we have right now is a meta-stable situation. Less than half the population have a political party association. But government electees are whelming Democrats and Republicans. Why?

Perhaps because they have an instrumentality to get their people elected?

And how long can that continue to be democracy? 

Old Chinese Curse.

Aussie Red Necks

Rough morning. Had to rouse myself at 0300 to go do some chores before the Bubba and Shirkers manifest. So I collapsed when I was done and got to examine the tidal pools of the Internet.

Which leads me to an Australian article [Link] that speaks to the nature of Vaccine Shirkers. One of the lead-in paragraphs hits the gong:

Those individuals were mostly male, less agreeable (cooperative, considerate), less intellectual as a personality trait (less willing to try new experiences), and more extroverted.

If this isn’t an accurate definition of an Alibam Shirker Bubba, I don’t know what is. These are the guys who will kill to listen to a UAT football game on the wireless but never get to purchase a ticket because it offends their entitlement sense. They never understand why they are cited by the constabulary for vehicular air pollution and unsafe equipment. Or why the wife and kids run away from them after the tenth trip to the ER.

And what is amazing is that the Aussies not only figured this out but showed it ain’t just Alibam, which is the only good part of the paper.

Mental Inertia

I read this morning that people are overwhelmed by the changes in Mask Doctrine put out (sounds nicer than “defecated”) by the CDC.

Just how much Mind Inertia do you people have? 

Yes, I know the majority of Americans are mental Bubbas and Bricks, but this is not a change from petrol to benzene in the motorcar fuel tank. 

Or any kind of real learning. (That excludes almost all of what is taught in Amerika’s public schules.)

This is a case of “take the mask out of your pocket and put it on when you go inside a public building.”

Whether you put the mask on when you go in your house (or your mother’s) is optional.

We aren’t calculating the ground state electron distribution function of Xenon Fluoride. 

This isn’t even at the level of “open car door, get in car, close car door, buckle seat-belt, put key in ignition, tap petrol pedal, turn key in ignition, put car in gear, GO.”

So act like something more than slime mold. Be the naked ape you really are and adapt sans bitchin’.

Computer Stupidity

A few ago I posted a BLOT entitled “Terminal Stupidity.” Since then I have been encountering so many instances of stupidity that a dumb terminal (information technology humor) is insufficient and we have to upgrade the terminology to computer stupidity because, of course.

I noted this morning an article [Link] entitled “No joke: Nearly half of Americans think dinosaurs STILL roam the Earth!”

Now I know some of those folks are kids who haven’t been told that there are no dinosaurs because, well, “will a little prevarication really hurt the kid?” So parents are gonna hold off until that untaught sexual education class to tell the dinosaur-mad kids that they’re religion bubbas. 

And of course, there are adult bubbas who lack the education or, more properly, the cerebral capability. to realize that just because there are cartoon and video dinosaurs, they aren’t alive. After all, many of these people actually voted for the previous Chief Executive.

On the other hand, there is still hope [Link] since a young woman who was valedictorian at a Texas high schule shit-canned her speech sanctified by the schule Bubba faculty and administration to provide the nation with startling evidence that there is both intelligence and integrity in Texas. Bravo! Finest Kind.

But I suspect Texas will use this as an excuse to ban all women from public schule and require they wear veils. And call their fathers and husbands “Master.”

I also heard a suggestion that the S in USA be changed to “S***” That would certainly fit the direction we seem to be in.

Asleep or Programmed?

I am not a biologist. I used to have a biologist colleague who kept my questions answered but he passed last year – not from the Bat Plague, but equally hurtful – or maybe not. I lost no friends to the plague but several to the vagaries of life. That’s what happens when you get old enough to have a reasonable probability of discorporation. 

Or so one of my probability professors told me.

I did study a bit of anthropology, which included an arc on social anthropology, from which I recall a lot of time and effort was spent on the difference between biological programming of humans and the rules humans invent for themselves: society and culture. 

I mention this because I have been watching a lot of grr-brr over things like race and politics and “wokeness.”

Race, incidentally, is a pile of intellectual horse manure. The runny kind that stinks abominally. So far as I can see, there is only one race and this is the human race. 

So we should be nice to each other and not be mean. Unfortunately, we have a thing the social science types call “Us versus Them” which is a bit of survival programming going back a couple of million years that sez that “my band of humans is more important than your band of humans.” Doesn’t matter whether we have different hair color or different eye color or even different skin color. My band of  humans is more important to me than your band of humans and that justifies me killing you if you don’t get out of my living space. 

It’s programmed into us. By Mother Nature or whatever you want to call it.

And that’s a problem when we have to get along because we don’t do a very good job of suppressing our programming.

Especially if our brains are filled with crap.

Which they are. Sturgeon’s Rule applies to our minds. 

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to change. 

But we have to recognize that we are doing something very hard, are likely to fail spectacularly, and deserve a bit of patience and perseverence.

In the Bow-Wave 17

Finally! Some intelligence and rationality.

Using the dread Covid Plague as an excuse, the instrumentality of the Campus of the Tennessee aka the University of Alibam in Huntsville has abolished its hockey and tennis programs. [Link]

I am now suddenly positive about this Alma Mater and may actually change how much money they will get from my estate. Because they abandoned a significant component of their pornography program. 

Which has no useful function in the college education activity. 

UAH has always been the most intelligent of the Alibam college campuses. It has never entertained the idea of an (American) football team, unlike the Black Warrior and Stench City campuses. 

That doesn’t mean they are exceptionally intelligent or enlightened. Just less depraved than the other campuses. After all, this is Alibam where Bubbas and Sociopaths are the norm. And the intelligent and rational struggle in what seems – often – to be the ultimate vainglory. 

It’s a state where it is hard unto death to be good and it seems the public hand is always against any good. 

Why stay? Good Question! In my case its the expression of Nature. The Bubbas and Sociopaths haven’t quite destroyed the environment here although they are trying very hard. In between collegiate and professional pornography events. 

Potential Praise

A secondary praise this morning goes to the Arab Electron Uncooperative [Link] for an unwarned stoppage of potential difference.

Took me a quarter hour to repair the damage they did.

Good Going, Arab Electron Incompetents!


The term for a seller who prates about value is “liar.”

Value can only be assigned by the owner and its only relevance in trading is decision-making.