Efficient Suicide

Not as low, but because of rising at an earlier hour and venturing out directly still an unpleasant experience. And then the podcast, an episode of the CBC’s “Best of Ideas” was a nasty – to me – exaltation of how artificial intelligence and robots are going to extinguish humanity. Quite apart from the reducing everyone to unemployment it will totally destroy the satisfaction of work and make life meaningless for all but the most slime moldish, and we shall fall below the numbers necessary for continuation.

It seems fitting somehow that I ran across an article [Link] about how the eyewitness foundation of the justicer system, at least here in the Yankee republic, is based not on sand but quicksand. And the warning is issued by the Yankee government’s research council which is still adequately nerdy despite the pollution of administrators and political appointees. 

I find it intriguing that the politicians have not weighed in on this either on religionist grounds – God makes us true witnesses – or progressive – we are the keepers of society – grounds. 

But what is depressing is that the tenor is how to patch up an inherently flawed – to uselessness? – system rather than building a valid replacement. Sometimes I am convinced that calling ourselves ‘sapiens’ is galgenhumor.